Shout his Name
Brother Edwin Tan
In end November 2023, I was very worried because I had to urinate hourly. I immediately consulted a private GP who told me he suspected it was prostate Cancer and referred me to a Urologist. After a series of tests and scans, the result turned out to be positive. I have third stage prostate cancer.
I was sent for a course of radiotherapy. In July 2024 I did a blood test which revealed that my cancer reading had dropped from 53 to 0.3. The doctor explained that this result was very good and he was encouraging. Now I am undergoing through a course of six cancer jabs, one jab in every six months. If this course goes on well I may live for another 5 years, if there is no relapse, according to the doctor.
During the whole treatment period of about seven months, I was totally broken and drained. However I could feel the presence of our Lord, giving me peace, strength, courage and health. With his help, I can withstand all those unbearable treatments, which I myself will definitely not be able to overcome.
My sincere gratitude and heartfelt thanks, praises, and glory do to our good and almighty God.
I want to give GLORY to our Lord!
Shout his Name
Saturday Dialect Service
05:00 PM
(every 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month)
Sunday Services
09:30 AM
Chinese Service
Teochew Service
Cantonese Service
10:00 AM
English Service
Youth Service
Bethel Children Ministry
Bethel Indonesian Fellowship